Action Makes QuickestMirror the frontmost application.
Returns True
Examples QuickestMirror.bringToFront ()
» true
Notes You don’t often need to use this verb in conjunction with the other QuickestMirror verbs. Those that should or must bring QuickestMirror to the front do so automatically.
See Also sys.bringAppToFront
Verb QuickestMirror.fetchurl
Syntax theList = QuickestMirror.fetchurl (s)
Parameters s is the URL specification in the form "fab://[user[:password]@]host[:port][/url-path]?[object-path]"
[brackets] indicate optional arguments
For more info, see
Some commonly used pseudo-URLs are accepted
Action Maps the fab URL to its corresponding set of URLs.
Returns A list of URLs corresponding to the original fab URL.
Notes • fetchurl automatically performs the normalizeurl step.
See Also QuickestMirror.geturl
Verb QuickestMirror.geturl
Syntax QuickestMirror.geturl (s)
Parameters s is the URL specification in the form "fab://[user[:password]@]host[:port][/url-path]?[object-path]"
[brackets] indicate optional arguments
For more info, see
Some commonly used pseudo-URLs are accepted
Action Maps the fab URL to its corresponding set of URLs, and displays them as a dynamically sorted list so that the faster sites drift toward the top.
The list is static if OpenTransport is not available or the Macintosh is not connected to the Internet.
Returns True if request succeeds, false otherwise.